Pastor's Blog

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
I Timothy 1:5 (ESV)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Songs That Help

Worship music is a tricky subject. I tend to be continuously looking for a change. While I still have a great love for the music put out by the Passion Conference (new album from Passion '06 next month!), this week I have discovered the music that is put out by Sovereign Grace Ministries. A lot of this music was used at last month's Bethelehem Pastor's Conference. However, I have enjoyed listening to several of these albums. The one I find most helpful is one called "Songs for the Cross Centered Life". The music is great. However it's much more than that.

With Paul, I wish to boast only in the Corss of my Lord Jesus Christ. However, the pull of the world and of life and of my flesh and my opinions and my comfort and my need to be entertained fights against a Cross-centered life. Being 'Cross-centered' is not comfortable and it is not entertaining and is cuts across my opinions (because in light of the Cross my opinions really don't count for much) and my flesh must die. I need help to live under the Cross' shadow every day.

These songs are just the help I am looking for this week. As I was walking and praying through an issue this week, I sang these words:

My Savior's sacrifice paid for all my sin
So in my suffering I look to the cross again
No need, no want, no trial, no pain
Can compare to this
The wrath of God, once meant for me
Was all spent on Him

Before the Cross, I humbly bow
I place my trust in the Savior
Your finished work captures my gaze
You bore the wrath, I know the grace

My issues lost significance. The Wrath is gone. His grace is enough. I need to know nothing else.

Thank God for the blessing and the help of music.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Praying for Friends

Here are two Blog Sites that I wanted to share with all of you. They will soon be co-wrokers with Renee' and myself. Both Blogs give a lot of insight into day to day life in Mongolia. While we will not be living in Darhan where the Bergevins and the Fields are, we will be near and I hope to get to know them well.

Read and Pray.

Jeremy and Renee' Bergevin Blog

Jeremy and Krista Fields Blog