Pastor's Blog

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
I Timothy 1:5 (ESV)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Don't Call It Preaching

I have two sermons left to preach as the pastor of Faith Community Church. This is both exciting and sad.

I am praying for the future of this Church - but as I do, I find myself praying for the future of THE church. I have been only a small voice in the vally when I think of the men of God who have spoken His word to His people in ages past and present and I confessedly wonder where they are today. I am sure they are there - I just don't think we hear about them very much. There is a lot of God talk, but little of the kind of preaching that bears the weight and sobriety of the Gospels. I find myself wondering as I write, "Am I being too harsh? Too morbid? Too negative?".

But I read the words of Lloyd-Jones and Edwards and Whitfield and I feel a frivolous fool. There was preaching greatness; truth filled with passion, sobriety and joy.

I was encouraged when I read this article. There is great danger in reducing preaching to talks about issues or light, amusing dialogue with much opinion and little to no Biblical content. Praise God for a high profile person like John Piper with guts enough to call the church to something higher than growth and success and cultural relevance. Yet, I also read this article with heaviness of heart. Where are the others? I pray that God will raise up the Lloyd-Joneses and Whitfields and Edwardses of this day; men of the Word and prayer who will not be afraid to call people to come and die; men who will passionately plea for people to flee the wrath to come. May God grant such men.


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