Pastor's Blog

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.
I Timothy 1:5 (ESV)

Monday, August 22, 2005

A book on reading books worth reading

Mortimer Adler published this in 1940 (obviously it was during that time period because who actually names their kid "Mortimer" anymore?) In any case, I have been going through this book very carefully and I must say that I highly recommend it to anyone who is of High School age or older. Adler is not a Christian, per se - but his practical approach to philosophy and reading is helpful to anyone.

How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler can be found in the used book portion of for $4 plus shipping. It's a good investiment. Those who were in my Sunday School class this past week will understand why I recommend it to you. This book will actually help you read the Bible better. That's worth the investment in my mind.


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